Bill Finkelstein ‘66 – 2024 Tiger of the Year
Nominated by Tom Duncan ’65, the Chaffey High School Alumni Association announces Bill Finkelstein, Class of 1966 as the Tiger of the Year for 2024.
If you fondly remember your years at Chaffey, keep in touch with us by joining the Chaffey High School Alumni Association. As a benefit of membership, you’ll receive the Tiger Rag alumni newsletter three times a year. Each 40-page issue has information on CHSAA activities, class reunions, campus news, alumni who has passed on, and interesting historical and community information.
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About the Chaffey High School Alumni Association organization and its history
Nominated by Tom Duncan ’65, the Chaffey High School Alumni Association announces Bill Finkelstein, Class of 1966 as the Tiger of the Year for 2024.
The Chaffey High School Alumni Association presented eleven scholarships this year.
In May 2023 at the Senior Awards Night, CHSAA awarded eleven $1500 scholarships to graduating seniors.
This is the Chaffey High School chorus under the direction of Nate Brown, CHS Music Director, singing the alma mater, The Orange and the Black.
Growing up in Ontario in the 1950s, our neighborhood gang of boys was blessed to have two major influences for a happy future life: the Boy Scouts and the Ontario Daily Report which allowed us to layer on some real-life work experience. – Vern Kerr
Rudi Pock’s, there was a certain smell to the place, probably from a combination of paper record jackets, album covers and an admixture of fumes from the records and vinyl. – Vern Kerr